Use "disorganisation|disorganisations" in a sentence

1. The violent and Causeless excitement, followed by this brutality of speech, so far removed from his usual suavity, showed me how deep was the disorganisation of his mind

2. Four groups of cytoplasmic alterations (cya), which are characteristic of certain cytotoxic patterns, can be distinguished: 1. reversible toxic cya (glycogen loss and ergastoplasm disorganisation), 2. persistent toxic and posttoxic, i.e., occurrsing only after discontinuation of the NNM, cya (enhanced glycogen storage and hypertrophy of the agranular endoplasmic reticulum), 3. transitory posttoxic cya (fat accumulation) and 4. progredient posttoxic cya (glycogen reduction and relative ribosomal enhancement).